Ruff Majik releases expansive new album Elektrik Ram

‘Elektrik Ram’, the latest album from South Africa’s megalithic Ruff Majik, is the kind of audio palate cleanser that we all yearn for from time to time. Kicking the vibe back to a sepia-toned era where bell-bottoms and fuzzed-out bass were de rigueur, the ‘Majik lads take a well-known template and drench it with their…

Ruff Majik release explosive new single Elektrik Ram

Elektrik Ram is the new single and title track from South African stoner rock reprobates Ruff Majik’s upcoming album. Vocalist and guitarist Johni Holiday’s quick stint in a mental wellness facility brought on the lyrics and structure of Elektrik Ram. “What started as a fun ditty, emulating the sound of Siamese Dream era Smashing Pumpkins,…